After falling into life as an SA early 2021, Craig has taken on a handful of roles in his first few years in the industry. The thing he enjoys most about being on set is the variety of different people and hearing their stories of their time in the industry and the different jobs they have taken on.
Previous Jobs:
The Rig - Civilians disaster scenes - 31st July 1st 2nd aug
Photo shoot - Scottish water - Edinburgh Wed 5th July
Photo shoot - Scottish water - Edinburgh Tue 13th June
anansi Boys - Tourists - Thurs 12th May
Save a Life - CPR - 23rd March
Good Omens - 11th January - Edinburgh
Rugby International Edinburgh Sun 22nd Aug
Crime car driver Mon 10th may
Historic Scotland Tue 30th March
1 day filming for Princess switch 3 as a SA.
Ex-forces, snowboarding, football and lawn bowls.