Previous Jobs:
The Rig - Extra Day filming - Friday 28th
The Rig - Fittings - Mon 24th July - Leith
The Rig - Hospital Staff - Mon 31st Tue 1st Wed 2nd
Vigil2 - Eastern European Hotel - Mon 17th July
Anansi Boys -Covid Test - Sat 19th - Leith
Anansi Boys - Covid Test - 15th Feb
Anansi Boys - Fitting - Wed 16th - Bathgate
Anansi Boys -Hospital - 21st Feb - Edinburgh
Anansi Boys -Hospital- 22nd Feb - Edinburgh
Karen Pirie covid test Fisherman Thurs 17th June
Karen Pirie Fisherman Fri 18th June
The Crown Series 4, Scene: Highland games: country gent.
Outlander, Season 5, Stephen Bonnet's death scene: peasant.
Photographer/Artist, Commercial photography, Video production, Photography lighting, Webs Design, Database Design, Graphic Design, Mentoring established and amateur photographers, Shooting, Fishing, Skiing, Woodwork & Oak frame building, Driver (with car, & 2 trailers), Exhibition curation, Social Media Management, Scottish country dancing, Comfortable with farm, & domestic animals. Film Stills Assistant(Mrs Brown, Hackers),