Previous Jobs:
BBC Drama River City, Several Photo Shoots/ TV Commercial for Rape Crisis/ Film 'Laid Off'/ Film 'This September', BBC Comedy Limmys Show/ Standard Life Shoot/ Film Field of Blood/ Census 2011/ Irn Bru TV Commercial/ 'This September' second series/ NCR Photo shoot/ Film Cloud Atlas/ Dani's house sitcom, Irn Bru TV Com
BBC Drama River City 14&15/4/12 police officer at court, police uniform 22/09/12
Doors Open 8/5/12, TV Com Telistrations 25/7/12
Case Histories Hogamany party 17/09/12
TV Com for M & Ds Ice Rink 10/12/12
Music Video "Frightened Rabit" 30/07/13
Film 'Swung' Featured 14/12/13
Photo Shoot For Scotrail - 28/01/2016
Trainspotting 70s flashback 07/07/2016
Trainspotting Gym Bunnies 22/07/2016
The Replacement 17/07/2016
Trainspotting driving double 21/07/2016
Trust Me 15/02/2017
TRUST ME – EMUN Driving Double 29/03/2017
Still Game, holiday makers on bus 21/08/2017
Film ‘Only You 12/10/2017
Stand Studio 04/10/2017
Still Game wed 29th - 29/08/2018
Football, swimming, sports, clean Driving Licence, kilt,tuxedo
South african accent
Close up Magic
Holds Disclosure