Previous Jobs:
Rebus - Diners / Clubbers Wed 7th June
Bmcm Feature film - Army commando - Fri 31st March
Feature film Bmcm - Male Students - Hopeton House 21st March
Feature film Bmcm - Male Students - Filming Glasgow Sat 11th March
Mayflies - Costume fitting - Thurs 25th Aug
Mayflies - NEW filming 1 day Friday 2nd sept read the description
Mayflies Filming Friday 2nd September
Passed National 5 Higher and Advanced Drama,
83 Bollywood film Fri 14th June
The Demon Head Masters - Obstacle Course - 2nd, 15th and 16th - Motherwell
The Demon Head Masters - Obstacle Course - 16th July - Motherwell
The Demon Head Masters - Obstacle Course - 15th July - Motherwell
Demon Head Master - Obstacle Course - 5th July- Motherwell
Demon Headmaster Monday 8th only
Bass Guitar, Learning Acoustic Guitar, Swimming,