Previous Jobs:
Outlander - Covid Test - Thurs 12th Jan
Outlander - Fittings - Monday 9th Jan
outlander - 1940s 13th jan
outlander - 1940s Shortlist selfies required
Blind, Mon 18th Jan
Outlander Covid Test Thurs 6th May
OUTLANDER Williamton folk Filming 7th May
Outlander covid test Thurs 22nd april
Outlander confirmation. costume Fitting Fri 23rd april
Outlander covid test Thurs 22nd april
Tetris Filming Thurs 11th Feb
Tetris Test and fitting 9th Feb
Blind, Mon 18th Jan
Guilt fittings 5/6
Guilt 2, Police officers 17th, nov
Guilt 2, Police officers 16,17, nov
River city Couple mon 9th Nov
Vigil police officers and cid Tue 25th Aug
Outlander Tue 4th June (Brownsville Brick maker)
Outlander Wed 5th June (Brownsville Courtyard sing-along)
Outlander Thu 6thth June (Brownsville confrontation)
Outlander Fri 7th June (Brownsville song and dance)
Outlander Mon 10th june
Outlander Tue 11th June (Brownsville Whisky Negotiation)
Outlander Wed 12th June (Brownsville Trade Post)
83 Sat 29th June. Car mechanic/ superstore shopper.
Outlander 1960s Church Married man. 14th July
Outlander Militia man/Hillsborough 19th July
Outlander Battle of Alamance 26th July
Outlander Battle of Alamance Mon 29th July
Outlander Battle of Alamance Tue 30th July
Outlander Battle of Alamance Wed 31st July
Outlander Battle of Alamance thurs 1st Aug
Outlander Battle of Alamance Fri 9th aug
Outlander Battle of Alamance Mon 12th aug
Outlander Battle of Alamance Tue 13th Aug
Outlander Battle Fri 26th July Strathallan
Outlander Tue 30th July
Outlander A Tue 30th July
Outlander wed 7th aug
Outlander Thurs 1st aug
Outlander 6th aug
Outlander wed 7th aug
River city Hospital thurs 22nd. Hospital Nurse
Outlander - 30th and 31st August - Cardross
River city Fri 20th Sept (Dad - Xmas family shoot)
River City Thurs 17th oct general/ cafe customer.
River city wed 23rd oct nurses
River city Mon 28th oct Nurse
River City - Tomorrow 1st Nov - Nurses
Shiddat 13th and 14th Nov Male Diners Paris Cafe/ refugees night shoot.
Falling for Figaro Fri 20th Dec
Vigil mon 2nd Mar police
Plant/Agricultural Operator.
Countryside Estates operative.
All Terrain Vehicle competent (ATV)
NTPC PA2 Chemical Application Operator/Competent.
Greens/Golf management/ Co-ordinator
Country Estates management/ supervisor / adviser.
Forestry/Arborist Trained.
Non violent intervention training.
Mountain Biker/Cross Country cycle endurance
Basic Archery.
Allotment holder.
Comic/Graphic Novel fan.
Scifi/ Star Wars enthusiast.
Gym/fitness enthusiast.
First Aid.
Driving Licence
Disclosure Held