Previous Jobs:
Outlander Frasers Ridge - Mon 3rd October - Cambusmore
Outlander testing mon 22nd Feb
Outlander Filming Fri 26th Feb
Outlander filming Monday 22nd Feb
Outlander filming Fri 12th Feb
Outlander testing at studio Wed 10th
Outlander Filming Mon 15th Feb
Outlander TESTING Mon 8th
Outlander fittings studio Wed 3rd Feb
Outlander 19/01/2018
Outlander 16/02/2018
Outlander 02/03/2018
Outlander 08/03/2018
OUTLANDER - FRASERS RIDGE SETTLERS - 17TH, 18TH ,19TH, 22ND, 23RD, 24TH, 25TH - 17/04/2019
Outlander Battle of Alamance 26th July
Outlander Battle of Alamance Mon 29th July
Outlander Battle of Alamance Tue 30th July
Outlander Battle of Alamance Wed 31st July
Outlander Battle of Alamance thurs 1st Aug
Outlander Battle of Alamance Fri 9th aug
Outlander Battle of Alamance Mon 12th aug
Football, Golf, Large Vehicle Driving
Driving Licence
Holds Disclosure 04.10.17