Previous Jobs:
Vigil2 - Coffee Shop/ Hospital -Thurs 4th May
River city - Shoppers - Wed 8th March
I have experience with Scare / Physical acting playing a Zombie for Scare Scotland. Being able to physically throw myself to the floor realistically and safely and perform with zombie / supernatural features.
I have experience as a walk on in River City and a background extra for an intimate acting scene. I can adapt to conversation making it look realistic without audio dialogue.
I have been in a music video as a background and have experience naturally having a conversation and moving from one area to another in front of the camera.
I have been in a commercial with a speaking role on set. I played a 1st assistant director who wrapped the scene before the commercial for mind to mind began.
I also have higher drama from high school.
I can cycle, run, drive and have some moderate experience with Tae,kwon-do. I can swim quite as well.
I have experience horse riding and can independently ride and control a horse.
I am great with accents (Irish/ English/ Australian and American)
I am a great open communicator and can take direction very well. I also make sure that all direction is given is met with professionalism and recognition to make shots go smooth.
I am great at improvisation and adaptation. As well as being able to remember these actions for a second, third take etc.
I have great interpersonal skills making all ideas and thoughts feel open and inclusive.
I have experience in physical acting, being capable of throwing myself to the floor, on objects due to completion of the undead academy from Scare Scotland. I have also completed the Scare event with Scare Scotland performing these acts in a real scenario.